About Tsau's Scientific Revolution
Please note that (nature) science uses experimental method as its specific scientific method. No other method can be correct scientific method to produce correct science. Mathematics can interpret experimental findings only. This is because that only experimental method can detect and study matter, the only thing existing in nature. Therefore, science has been defined to use experimental method as specific scientific method to be obeyed. It has led to develop the original (classical mechanical-physics-based) science.
Science has become so important to us that we need to gain fundamental scientific knowledge to differentiate correct science from wrong science and it should be one of the fundamental human rights for the general public to demand correct scientific education, R&D, and science policy.
Yet, Einstein’s (pseudo)-scientific revolution in 19th Century has wrongly used mathematical-derivation method as scientific method to develop the mathematical theories of today’s modern physics, such as the theories of relativity, big bang, quantum, standard-model particle physis, which have misinterpreted a broad-range of scientific topics such as cosmology, astronomy, particle physics, and matter science. Contrary to general belief, these mathematical theories have not been, and are impossible to be, proven correct scientifically. For example, electromagnetic wave cannot be proven to be light, since it is not a matter having mass and relative motions, thus not detectable experimentally. Now, they have been disproved by huge amounts of experimental findings. For example, the discovery of the presence of an atmosphere of neutrino particles to collide interacting with matter to produce universal phenomena and the findings of James Webb Telescope to disprove big bang and theories of relativity.
Meanwhile, the new findings have advanced the original science to the science of everything having the capability to correct and replace the entire modern physics. Yet, it has been over two centuries since our scientific community and governments have been misled by Einstein's pseudo-scientific revolution to lead to develop and to teach modern physics. A counter scientific revolution now is needed to bring them back to original science, Like everybody, I believe that they are on our side but a corruption in the division of physics has misled them to make the over two-centuries-long scientific mistake. Together, backed with very huge amounts of experimental finding to support my newly advanced science, we can bring our scientific community and governments back to the correct original science.
Please welcome the newly discovered scientific universe of the mechanical physics. It is a one-matter nature or a universe of neutrino-particles .
Education of Josef H. Tsau
Highet Education Degree
​Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry

Our Approach
Tsau's Scientific Revolution Institute is dedicated to advancing the understanding of nature science through innovative teaching methods and engaging educational materials. We are committed to providing accessible and comprehensive science education to learners of all ages and backgrounds.

Our Mission
At Tsau's Scientific Revolution Institute, our mission is to revolutionize science education by teaching breakthrough scientific discoveries and by challenging the scientific correctness of traditional mathematical scientific theories to promoting a new era of mechanical-physics based science. We aim to inspire curiosity, critical thinking, and a passion for using the correct scientific method only to make scientific discovery.

Get Involved
Join us in our mission to transform science education. Learn the newly advanced scientific knowledge to judge scientific correctness and to express your opinions to correct the errors in public science educations and join our scientific exploration. Together, we can shape a future of correct scientific learning and exploration.
Our Science-Education Products
(Please contact us to order)
for science and technology companies and science-education organizations
Assisting science-education missions teaching one-matter science
One-matter science teaching science seminar series
1. One day seminar ($200 plus travel expenses for two)
2. Three day seminar for certificate of acquiring the knowledge one-matter nature science
($500 plus travel expenses for two)
Science Books: paper book ($19.99) and eBook (9.99)
(One-Matter Nature Science and Tsau's Scientific Revolution, 2nd Edition)
Also available from Publisher (www.ebooks2go.com), Amazon, Apple Books, and Google Play
One-Page condensed interpretation of one-matter science ($5)
easily readable on computer with zooming
Eight-page interpretation of one-matter science ($5)
Time for dedicated schools and universities to lead the world to teach
one-matter nature science
It is our pleasure to consult and assist to do so.
What Our Community needs
A Public Letter to Scientific and Science-Education Authorities
Please lead the world to save science by conducting scientifical evaluation of one-matter science. Upon approval, please include it in science-education courses of high schools and universities to fill in the scientific vacuum created by the scientific disproving the mathematical theories of modern physics with huge amounts of experimental findings. It is our pleasure to assist in such a revolutionary science-education mission. Please note the following facts.
Fundamental human right
Science is so important to everyone that it should be one of the fundamental human rights to demand our scientific community and government to perform correct science education, R&D, and policy.
Science has a specific scientific method: The experimental method
The basic scientific knowledge to understand what is correct science: No other method can be correct scientific method to produce correct science. Mathematics can interpret experimental findings only.
Revolution is to end Einstein’s “pseud-scientific revolution” and to advance science
It is to correct over two-centuries scientific mistakes of using mathematical-derivation as scientific method to develop the mathematical theories of modern physics such as theories of relativity, big bang, quantum, and standard-model particle physics. These theories have not been, and are impossible to be, proven scientifically correct experimentally and are now been disproved by huge amounts of experimental findings. Meanwhile, the original science known as classical mechanical physics using experimental method as its specific scientific method now has been advanced to the science of everything or one-matter science.
Only possible Choice: Return to original science
None of the mathematical theories of modern physics has been proven scientific correct experimentally. For example, having no mass and no relative motions electromagnetic wave is not detectable experimentally and cannot be light. This is because that mathematic-derivation method cannot give the same answers of experimental method. As a result of the corruption of the physics division, over two centuries our scientific community has led to develop a pseudoscientific universe not really detectable experimentally. For example, its light and universal phenomena are not produced by matter particles, thus, are not detectable experimentally.
Modern physics has been scientifically disproved by huge amounts of experimental findings such as the discovery of the atmospheric neutrino particles, those discovered by James Webb Telescope, etc. The scientific community continues to modify the mathematical theories of modern physics by adding more unscientific postulations to create more serious scientific mistakes. The only way to correct of the over two-centuries scientific mistakes is to return to original science. Now, the additional benefit is to return to greatly advanced science.
Keeping scientific values of modern physics
Part of the one-matter science offers the easy-to-understand scientific interpretations to replace those of modern physics. Please note that modern physics largely adopts empirical approach, thus, often has scientific values. For example, its classical quantum theory is a valuable scientific theory using mathematics only to interpret experimental findings. We need to keep the scientific values of modern physics while to correct its pseudoscientific concepts.
Josef Tsau
September 2024